Pomona College English Department Shirt, 2020

I illustrated this for the Pomona College English Department's annual t-shirt competition, where the winning design would be printed on shirts sent to all the English majors and professors for the year (which it was)!

My concept was one of New Yorker-esque style and simplicity— sleek lines and small secrets hidden within the design, such as the references to "47" and "Sagehens," our school lucky number and mascot, respectively. On a post-it note, reminders are scrawled for assignments from two of the course offerings of the year (reminders for me, really). 

BodyArmor Instagram Samples, 2022

In June 2022, the popular sports drink brand BodyArmor was in talks with People First to launch a social media campaign called "Everyday Athletes," promoting the idea that BodyArmor was for more than just sports athletes and that everyone could benefit from hydration in their everyday lives. To illustrate what route a potential creator might take with the concept, I drafted up a sample Instagram post (left) and story (right) with hand-drawn illustrations for the client pitch meeting.

Various Flyers, 2019-

Pictured: Program for The Renaissance Project Seminar, flyer for Visual Poetics: A Poetry Reading, and flyer for bad poetry night., put on by the Pomona College English Department.